A photograph of Ted Marshall behind the wheel of an automobile.
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The Fluency Five: Edward Marshall

A core part of working here at Fluency is the opportunity to make a profound impact on virtually every aspect of our business—regardless of location. Spanning across 17 states—and counting—we’ve built quite the dynamic team and we want you to get to know them. That’s why we’ve created The Fluency Five, a five question blog series about what makes our employees special and what they love about working here.  

Getting to know Edward (Ted) Marshall, Advertising Engineer 

1. What brought you to Fluency?: The story of how I arrived at Fluency spans years and is part of my career journey. In summary, I worked for the founders at their previous venture and loved the culture. The commitment to their employees and customers was gratifying, and that stuck with me. I did end up moving to another company that worked in a new and interesting field within the automotive industry, where I made connections who had shared some of the great things happening at Fluency and how they're changing digital advertising, which completely piqued my interest as, from my previous experience with them, I understood that this team both knew the industry and how to grow a great company. A couple of years later, I connected with Andy MacLeay and found out about a position that was interesting on the Fluency team, an opportunity that I was very excited to ultimately get.

2. What’s something interesting about what you do at Fluency?: My absolute favorite part of working at Fluency is being able to see the positive impact that my colleagues and I make within the company and for our clients. We, directly and indirectly, influence what tools are in the platform and how they're utilized. It’s rewarding to see an enhancement that I requested being implemented into the toolset.

3. In your opinion, what is the most interesting thing about Fluency?: The most interesting thing about Fluency is how every single person here is smart, welcoming, and truly invested in making Fluency the best place to be. 

4. Can you tell us something personal about you?: My top 3 interests: Cars, Technology/Video games, and Travel. My first car was a Talon TSi AWD which I miss to this day, so I'd like to get a 90's Mitsubishi Eclipse or Eagle Talon as a project car. I also have a decent size video game collection spanning from the SNES era through PS5 and a full-size 4-player multicade arcade cabinet. In terms of travel, I've been to 12 countries, and I hope to visit Japan next.

5. What are you most looking forward to this year in your role and/or at the company?: I can't wait to see the projects that we have been working on released and actively help our clients become even more efficient and successful.

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