AI and Automation Guide
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The Ultimate Guide to AI and Automation in Digital Advertising

Today’s advertisers want to rekindle the joy they once found in their work. However, the complexities of digital advertising—new channels and higher consumer expectations for personalization and localization—make it challenging to keep up, let alone be innovative.

Fortunately, two technologies have emerged to reshape the relationship advertisers have with their work: automation and artificial intelligence. While often discussed together, each plays a distinct role in advertising operations. Agencies and brands that are effectively integrating these technologies are seeing remarkable results:

  • 91% decrease in time to launch new accounts
  • 43% increase in average spend managed per advertising analyst
  • 80% increase in conversions for key clients

So how can you combine both AI and Automation to achieve similar outcomes? Check out our full guide to learn:

  • Where automation and AI excel within digital advertising operations
  • Key differences between publisher-hosted automation tools and emerging multi-channel third-party solutions
  • Where to deploy automation and AI within common advertising workflows
  • What results you can expect based on data we’ve pulled from managing over $1 billion in annual ad spend
  • Five ways to bring automation and AI together for maximum ROI and impact
  • Considerations for incorporating these tools into your ad operations, including data governance, security, and integration with your tech stack  

Let’s unlock your greatest work ever!

New Insight:

The Ultimate Guide to AI and Automation in Digital Advertising

Today’s advertisers want to rekindle the joy they once found in their work. However, the complexities of digital advertising—new channels and higher consumer expectations for personalization and localization—make it challenging to keep up, let alone be innovative.

Fortunately, two technologies have emerged to reshape the relationship advertisers have with their work: automation and artificial intelligence. While often discussed together, each plays a distinct role in advertising operations. Agencies and brands that are effectively integrating these technologies are seeing remarkable results:

  • 91% decrease in time to launch new accounts
  • 43% increase in average spend managed per advertising analyst
  • 80% increase in conversions for key clients

So how can you combine both AI and Automation to achieve similar outcomes? Check out our full guide to learn:

  • Where automation and AI excel within digital advertising operations
  • Key differences between publisher-hosted automation tools and emerging multi-channel third-party solutions
  • Where to deploy automation and AI within common advertising workflows
  • What results you can expect based on data we’ve pulled from managing over $1 billion in annual ad spend
  • Five ways to bring automation and AI together for maximum ROI and impact
  • Considerations for incorporating these tools into your ad operations, including data governance, security, and integration with your tech stack  

Let’s unlock your greatest work ever!


Less time on budget management


Less time on monthly changes


Less time on account launches

The Ultimate Guide to AI and Automation in Digital Advertising